The GE M60-K03-HKH-F8L-H6G-M6C-P5C-U6E-WXX is a microprocessor-based multifunction relay that can be used for a variety of applications in power systems. It is a modular relay that can be configured with a variety of functions, including:
- Power system protection: The relay can be used to protect power systems from faults, such as overcurrent, undervoltage, and overvoltage.
- Control: The relay can be used to control power systems, such as to switch circuits or to regulate voltage.
- Measurement: The relay can be used to measure power system parameters, such as current, voltage, and frequency.
The relay is available in a variety of sizes and ratings. The specific features and capabilities of the relay will vary depending on the configuration selected.
The relay is designed to be easy to install and use. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to configure and monitor the relay. The relay also has a variety of diagnostic features that can help to troubleshoot problems.
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